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Home / chacho / Chacho Aguardiente Jalapeno

Chacho Aguardiente Jalapeno

  • 39.99

Brand: chacho


Categories: Cordials / Liqueurs,

Chacho is distilled from pure South American cane sugar and infused with natural jalapeño flavors, giving it a perfectly smooth yet fiery finish. Its inspiration comes from the traditional South American spirit “aguardiente,” which has long been enjoyed from the bustling streets of Colombia to remote villages atop the Andes Mountains. Chacho is a burning twist on the classic spirit and is certain to set your fiesta en fuego!

The name Chacho is a nod to the namesake llama that our founder – fueled by his first aguardiente shots – rode through the streets of Bogota, Colombia on the trip that inspired it all.

Product Reference: X98G6VXR6CBJC
Brand: chacho
Categories: Cordials / Liqueurs,